Poi c'è un tratto strapieno di more...ma anche lì non è semplice fermarsi. L'anno scorso l'ho costretto, ma poi mi son pentita, perché ero col prendisole e le ciabattine, e per arrivare alle more mi sgraffiavo tutta...e poi l'operazione la facevo all'una con 40 gradi....!
Ma prima o poi m'organizzo e le piglio ste more!
Our holiday in Sicilia (Sciacca)
Going to the beach, we meet very often sheeps on the road! They are so nice! The road is in the country, with Peach trees, olive yards, watermelons! Yesterday I saw two big aubergines...we call them "Melanzane" in italian ...I love melanzane! I said to my husband: "Stop the car! Stop the car! Turn back! We can't leave them to rot on the road...!" ...He refused to turn back! :(
Then...we meet blackbarries...they are so many...thousands! But we go to the beach always too late...when the sun is high, and temperature 40 grades cent. !
Our holiday in Sicilia (Sciacca)
Going to the beach, we meet very often sheeps on the road! They are so nice! The road is in the country, with Peach trees, olive yards, watermelons! Yesterday I saw two big aubergines...we call them "Melanzane" in italian ...I love melanzane! I said to my husband: "Stop the car! Stop the car! Turn back! We can't leave them to rot on the road...!" ...He refused to turn back! :(
Then...we meet blackbarries...they are so many...thousands! But we go to the beach always too late...when the sun is high, and temperature 40 grades cent. !